“A Least Expected Heaven” (the book) now available on Amazon.com

And I wish it hadn’t taken me so long! Writing is one thing, editing and publishing another. The whole process has given me a huge appreciation for the travail of the detail. Information on getting a copy is on the book page, and here.

This book is my personal, I guess I would say, highly personal account of the spiritual journey that led to the founding of Meeting Ground and the progress of that adventure in my life. I didn’t intend so many biographical bits, but it became clear in the process that it was all necessary to explain what I meant—and I do hope it ties together for you!

I could only write about some of the remarkable people I’ve known over the years—believe me there are many more—and how sharing the chaos of homelessness with them has helped me come to a far different understanding of heaven. The writing of the book itself has been a further path of self-discovery for me, particularly in realizing the depth of my disappointment in organized religion. Earlier in my life I had high hopes for the institutional Church as a revolutionary catalyst for our world’s cold heart. Now it seems to me that the real spiritual change agents are mostly those who feel more like outsiders, who have learned to practice a spirituality which, more often than not, is alive outside institutional religion, what I’ve called, the Spirituality of Meeting. I’ve experienced this spirituality lavishly in my friendships and loves among those who have experienced homelessness.

Anyway, I’d be glad to know what you think, and I’d now like to use this blog to foster a dialogue around the topics in my book. Now that this book project is done, and I’ve actually started on another—a sequel I suppose—I’ll be blogging weekly here, and I hope you’ll feel welcome to join me.

Just a word, though, about posting:  I’ve been getting a ton of spam lately, and as a result now have to moderate the posts or the site would be overrun with ads for designer shoes in California.  You can rest assured I’ll approve your post quickly, and I ask your forbearance that it doesn’t get put up right away.

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